Booking Terms & Conditions
If you are an agent, please ensure that your client receives a copy of these booking and transport conditions.
You (the client or agent) are responsible for giving us the correct information required for your booking. We do not accept responsibility for information passed to us being incorrect, neither are we responsible for checking that flight details etc are correct at the time of placing a booking.
Your private transfer will be carried out in either a taxi, minibus, mini coach or coach. If you have any mobility issues that prevents you from getting on and off a coach please let us know.
We reserve the right to refuse carriage to any person who is thought to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs and/or whose behaviour may pose a threat to the driver, the vehicle, or other passengers.
Vehicles are fully insured for passenger and third party claims, as required by Spanish law. Whilst every care is taken, customer's luggage and property is carried at their own risk, and no responsibility can be accepted for loss or damage.
The vehicle will only collect the number of passengers booked (this is Spanish law). Please do not ask the driver to carry extra passengers, as this request will be refused.
Many rental accommodations are new and may not be available on maps or sat navs. If you are being transported to residential accommodation, please supply a full address and, if possible, please email us a copy of any directions supplied by your rental agent prior to your arrival.
Smoking and the drinking of alcohol is not permitted in our vehicles.
Pre-payment by credit/debit card carries an additional 4% card charge (already included in the taxi transfer prices).
Email us if you require more information